Please note, all members, staff and guests are required to adhere to these rules and regulations. Failure to do so will result in action appropriate to the infraction, and may include expulsion from I-CON 32 without refund, banning from future events sponsored by ICON Science Fiction, Inc, legal and or police action and involvement as needed.


The sponsors of I-CON reserve the right to refuse or revoke convention membership from anyone who either has proven to be disruptive or noncompliant with convention rules in the past or exhibits such behavior at this year’s event. Convention membership will be forfeited, without refund, by anyone causing a disturbance or violating our rules or the venue’s rules (except parking violations) and the individual will be expelled.

ICON Science Fiction Inc. is a participating member in Project Back Up (the Open Source Women Back Each Other Up Project). The goals of this project are: to encourage ourselves to be aware of situations where any member (of any gender or orientation) may feel that they are being harassed, and to help those members to the best of our abilities, rather than ignoring it as ‘Somebody Else’s Problem.’ To actively provide assistance to members who need it and who want it. To promote an atmosphere where creepy behavior, random groping, and harassment will not be silently ignored or tolerated. It will not be considered “just the way cons are” or “just something you have to deal with.” In an ideal world, that would be the default atmosphere, but we all know we don’t live in that world. If you need or see someone in need of assistance, please contact the Info Desk or one of our staff members wearing a purple “Back Up” ribbon.

Respect for Others
I-CON should be a place where everyone feels welcomed and comfortable.
Discrimination or prejudiced behavior (based on, but not limited to, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, or physical/mental disability) is not tolerated. Harassment of any kind is not tolerated. If someone tells you “no” or asks you to leave them alone, your interaction with them is over.

Dealing with and interactions with Minors
ICON Science Fiction Inc. is committed to the safety and protection of children. This Code of Conduct applies to all staff, employees, volunteers and students who represent the corporation and who interact with children or young people in both a direct and/or unsupervised capacity. No adult associated with an ICON activity may use physical punishment to manage a member’s behavior, regardless of age. Physical or sexual abuse of minors will not be tolerated.
At a minimum, activities involving minors will follow the “rule of three,” i.e. at least three people will be involved in all aspects of the activity, where at least two adults be involved, with one of the adults being an ICON Staff member. No staff member or volunteer is to work solo and unsupervised with any group of minors.
Children aged 12 and under are classified as “Child” members and must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times. Members under the age of 18 must have emergency contact information on file of a responsible parent or guardian.
In addition, ICON reserves the right to deny access or membership to any person who has been accused or convicted of any crime involving sexual abuse, is or has been a registered sex offender, has a history of violent offenses, has ever been convicted of any offense relating to the use, sale, possession, or transportation of narcotics or habit forming and/or dangerous drugs, or is presently or habitually under the influence of dangerous drugs or chemicals, narcotics or intoxicating beverages. (NOTE: ICON conducts periodic sexual offender scans on the National Sex Offender Registry Database)
Within the limits of their resources, staff members in charge of activities involving minors are encouraged to conduct criminal background checks on proposed volunteers and staff.

Dealing with Harassment
If you feel that you are being harassed or subjected discriminatory or unwelcome behavior or if you notice someone behaving inappropriately (such as violating hotel or convention policies), we respectfully suggest the following:
If you feel comfortable doing so, point out the inappropriate behavior to the person(s) involved. Often this will solve the problem immediately.
If you do not feel comfortable talking with the person(s) involved or if talking to them does not resolve the issue, please report the situation immediately to the information desk. Try to provide a name and/or physical description of the person(s) involved.

I-CON reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to take such actions as it feels appropriate where any individual or group is found to have breached this Code of Conduct. These actions include, but are not limited to:
talking with all parties involved and attempting to mediate a solution
issuing verbal warnings
revoking memberships and requiring that the person(s) leave the event
involving hotel or facility staff or security
reporting the matter to local police
banning membership of, and attendance at, the remainder of I-CON
I-CON reserves the right to revoke membership and to eject anyone at any time from the convention without a refund.

Costumes are encouraged, but keep them PG rated.
Weapons must be fully secured and peace-bonded at all times, except during approved performances or demonstrations. Bladed weapons MUST be covered at all times except during approved performances and demonstrations. Whips must also be peace-bonded. If you have questions regarding your weapon or prop please see our information desk.
Even the slightest infraction of these rules is cause for immediate ejection from the convention and venue with no warning and no refund.
Do not use any projectile weapons, including but not limited to water pistols and Nerf style weapons, except during APPROVED performances or demonstrations.
The possession and carrying of REAL firearms is restricted by New York State Law.
Additional rules will apply to the Cosplay Competition.

No illegal drugs are permitted in the convention area or anywhere on hotel property. Alcohol is permitted subject to New York State Alcohol Beverage Control Laws and venue regulations.

You may only wear your own badge. You are not permitted to wear someone else’s badge. The resale of I-CON memberships for profit without permission (scalping), the counterfeiting of memberships or badges, or fraud involved in willfully gaining membership or admission without paying proper membership dues is illegal and strictly prohibited. Violators will forfeit any memberships in their possession, without refund, and will be legally prosecuted. Damaged badges will only replaced by membership services on presentation of the damaged badges. Lost badges will NOT be replaced. If the lost valid badge is returned to membership services with the NEW badge the NEW membership cost will be refunded.

All children aged 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult at all times.

Photography or recording for professional purposes is not permitted without express prior consent.

Please respect the Dealers Room closing hours by leaving promptly by the designated closing times which will be posted. Also, remember that individual dealers are not required to stay open at all times.

Will be immediately removed from the convention with no refund, and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, regardless of age. Don’t try it!

I-CON has warned its dealers to follow all copyright and licensing laws as well as all state and local sales tax laws. However, we are not responsible for anything the dealers sell, or any unauthorized use by them of copyrighted material etc. When purchasing items such as videotapes, audiotapes etc. be sure to request a receipt with business name, address and phone #, in case an item turns out to be defective and has to be returned. Ask to view all videotapes and DVDs before purchasing them to ensure they are of adequate quality.